Monday, September 22, 2014

My Beautiful-Hearted Man

It was a very beautiful morning when I read Professor Hector Hammerly’s book on pronunciation chapter. I enjoyed it a lot. One thing I really loved that morning was the bird songs I could hear from where I read. My man was still sleeping as he was a little bit ill. Seeing him sleeping on his stomach is as well one of the things I loved at that time. He slept peacefully.

There’s suddenly a little puppy in front of the building meowing perpetually. I thought it’s gonna go soon and the noisy sound was gonna be gone too. Yet, I was wrong. It couldn’t even stop meowing for like 15 minutes. I started to get annoyed. My man did too. Then he woke up and approached me.

I thought he would start to complain about how hard it has been to sleep peacefully in Central Java. He could never find any tranquility every time he wanted it so badly. He’s been complaining about the megaphones from the masjids that sometimes can be so annoying instead of beautiful. About those careless drivers who drive crazily with their modified motorcycles which produce horrible sounds. The sound of the chickens at dawn that’s sometimes very very disturbing. And all other bothersome sounds he hears in Central Java.

But guess what, here’s the thing he said as he approached me:
“Cindy, there’s only one sachet of milk left. I think I’m gonna give my milk to that little puppy. You know, it’s hungry. It’s been meowing for like twenty minutes.”
I smiled. He left to prepare the milk for the puppy. Then he gave the milk to that puppy.

I watched what he did to the puppy. He looked at that puppy, smiled, and used his body language to communicate with the puppy to ask the puppy to drink the milk. It stopped meowing but it didn’t drink the milk though.
Then my man said: “The puppy doesn’t want to drink the milk now. I left the milk there though. The puppy can drink it later.”

It was funny to me because as far as I know, most cats in Central Java do not drink milk. But I adored what I did very much. Even though he complains a lot when it comes to noisy sounds, he has a beautiful heart. More than one people bad mouthed him, even in front of me. But I think it’s just because they fail to see my man’s beautiful heart. It takes time to be able to see someone’s heart, it even takes more time when the heart is as beautiful as my man’s :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Always Use Commas

Me     : Mark, listen. I have a piece of advice for you. Always use comma, okay?
Mark  : (giggle) Okay. I thought you’d say “Always use condoms, okay?”
Me     : (chuckle) Using comma is important.
Mark  : Using condom is important too. You just don’t know yet.

Well, I randomly told him this because I watched this awesome video

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Did I Say I Love You?

Him   : Cindy, I love you.
Me     : I know, Mark.
Him   : Wait waittt. Did I say I love you?
Me     : What?
Him   : I love you, Cindy. I love you.
Me     : Haha.. I love you too. But don’t look at me like that.
Him   : I can’t help it. If you want me to stop looking at you like this it means I have to stop loving you. Of course I can’t so forget it.
Me     : *hugssss*

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Wanginya gampang kukenali dan rasanya tak pernah membuatku bosan. Begitu diseruput, aku merasa cintaku sama minuman ini memang tak salah. Sejak pertama kali aku jatuh cinta sama teh, tak kulewatkan satu pagi pun tanpa minum teh. Hampir di setiap kesempatan, teh juga selalu jadi pilihanku.

Sering, ketika nongkrong sama teman-teman di kedai kopi, mereka meledekku kuno karena selalu pesan teh tawar hangat.

“Di rumah kan juga minum teh. Pesen yang lain kenapa sih?”
“Hari gini minum teh? Ngopi dong!”

Aku sih ketawa aja. Dan tetap merasa kalo minum teh itu keren, soalnya mengingatkanku sama negara Inggris. Negara yang sudah sejak lama ingin ku datangi.

Tea is British national drink. Rasanya tak perlu kuceritakan betapa memang minum teh sudah menjadi budaya masyarakat Inggris. Orang-orang mengenalnya dengan sebutan Tea Time atau Afternoon Tea. Dulunya kebiasaaan ini datang dari kaum bangsawan Inggris lagi. Jadi sah-sah aja kan kalau aku merasa keren karena suka minum teh? J

Negara Inggris memang punya tempat tersendiri di hatiku. Entah sejak kapan, aku punya cita-cita untuk bersekolah di Inggris. Dan impian itu masih kujaga dan kuperjuangkan sampai sekarang. Semakin hari kekagumanku terhadap negara Inggris semakin memuncak, dan setiap kali aku bercerita ke teman-teman nongkrongku tentang impian ini, mereka selalu melontarkan pertanyaan yang menguji tekadku: “Kenapa Inggris?”

Jujur, jawabannya banyak. Budayanya yang menarik, orang-orangnya yang mengagumkan, aksen bahasanya yang sangat kukagumi, tempat-tempat yang keren yang bisa kukunjungi, dan yang pasti aku merasa kalau sudah sejak lama hatiku ada disana. Tapi, menjelaskan semua itu ke teman-temanku rasanya akan memakan banyak waktu. Jadi, daripada tak kujawab dan ujungnya teman-teman pada bawel, dengan ekspresi meyakinkan, kukatakan:

“Ya paling gak aku bisa ngeteh dipayungi langit Eropa tanpa ada yang ngeledekin.”

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Daddy’s Girl

So long since I wrote something here. Banyak yang terjadi dan gak aku tulis. Terlalu sibuk sama rencana-rencana di masa depan. Karena memang sengaja menyibukkan diri sama itu sih.

A couple of weeks ago, seseorang dari masa lalu membuat status di facebook bilang kalo dia mengidamkan calon istri yang bisa masak. Ketawa sih. Sama kesindir. Dikit hehe. Soalnya dulu dia bilang gak bisa lagi bareng sama aku salah satunya karena aku gak bisa masak. Haha belum bisa aja keleus :p

I randomly told my dad about this. He gave me the best answer ever:
“Gak papa belum bisa masak. Yang penting kamu punya duit buat beli makan. Intinya tetep bisa makan. Percuma juga kan kalo bisa masak tapi gak bisa beli bahan buat dimasak? Udah sekarang fokus aja dulu buat ngejar kuliah S2nya.”

My dad is that cool. Selalu di pihakku. Supporting me logically & reasonably. Talking to him really makes me happy. I’m his girl. Definitely.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

My Javanese is Bad

This is how my man makes me want to kick him!

Him   : Cindy look, that man has a very biiig belly :D
Me     : Hahah you think he cares?
Him   : No. He loooong passed  the point of caring hahah would you be able to translate that into Javanese?
Me     : Oh give me a break!
Him   : Woops sorry. Your Javanese is very bad. Even worse than my Indonesian. And I better run now before you have my head chopped.

Me     : -___-

But then, I all I want is just hug him so tightly :) I love him so much.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

That Somebody is You!

The Question Must be Wrong

In the middle of studying English Relative Clauses, he & I did something silly like this:

Him  : Cindy, please answer the question number 23. Read it first.
Me    : “The person _____ sitting next to me is very stupid.”
Him  : So, the answer is?
Me    : NO. The question is not true. You’re the person who is sitting next to me right this minute. AND YOU ARE NOT STUPID. YOU ARE VERY VERY SMART. I don’t like the question number 23. IT MUST BE WRONG. Remember the theory of Aristotelian syllogism? If the premises are not true, the conclusion may not be true as well. I wanna skip the question. It’s totally wrong. I don’t like incorrect question. It’s not valid.
He was laughing while listening to what I was saying. Then he hugged me so tightly and we did nothing but hugging instead of continuing the study. I him very much.

The Graveyard

Here is the chit chat I had with my private English teacher. He is an American, FYI.

Him  : So, if you've been ill, why do you still go to work?
Me    : I have to get things done.
Him  : So, do you think you are irreplaceable?
Me    : Well, I think yes.
Him  : The graveyard is full of those who think they are irreplaceable.
Me    : LOL. No Mark, I’m not being cocky. I’m being honest.
Him  : So Cindy, the graveyard is full of those who think they are not being cocky but being honest.
Me    : *dissolving into laughter*

Well, he’s very intelligent and smart and knowledgeable. He’s definitely one of my favorites!