Wednesday, March 12, 2014

That Somebody is You!

The Question Must be Wrong

In the middle of studying English Relative Clauses, he & I did something silly like this:

Him  : Cindy, please answer the question number 23. Read it first.
Me    : “The person _____ sitting next to me is very stupid.”
Him  : So, the answer is?
Me    : NO. The question is not true. You’re the person who is sitting next to me right this minute. AND YOU ARE NOT STUPID. YOU ARE VERY VERY SMART. I don’t like the question number 23. IT MUST BE WRONG. Remember the theory of Aristotelian syllogism? If the premises are not true, the conclusion may not be true as well. I wanna skip the question. It’s totally wrong. I don’t like incorrect question. It’s not valid.
He was laughing while listening to what I was saying. Then he hugged me so tightly and we did nothing but hugging instead of continuing the study. I him very much.

The Graveyard

Here is the chit chat I had with my private English teacher. He is an American, FYI.

Him  : So, if you've been ill, why do you still go to work?
Me    : I have to get things done.
Him  : So, do you think you are irreplaceable?
Me    : Well, I think yes.
Him  : The graveyard is full of those who think they are irreplaceable.
Me    : LOL. No Mark, I’m not being cocky. I’m being honest.
Him  : So Cindy, the graveyard is full of those who think they are not being cocky but being honest.
Me    : *dissolving into laughter*

Well, he’s very intelligent and smart and knowledgeable. He’s definitely one of my favorites!